Defining the right strategy to emerge on social media is essential thanks to the definition of objectives, the choice of the appropriate social network and the macro-topics, planning the calendar and the editorial plan to create an authentic connection with the public.

Definition of objectives

In the context of social media marketing strategies, establishing SMART goals is the first step in ensuring that every action you take is aligned with your overall brand vision. The acronym SMART represents an essential framework for defining objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Temporally defined, key elements for effective social media management


To be effective, social media objectives must be precisely defined. A well-defined objective guides actions and decisions, avoiding waste of energy. For example, rather than a generic goal of “increasing engagement on Facebook,” a specific goal could be “increase engagement rate on Facebook posts by 20% within the next quarter.”  


Measurability allows you to track progress and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies. A goal like “increase the reach of posts on LinkedIn by 15,000 views within six months” allows you to periodically monitor the results and make any strategic adjustments along the way. 


Objectives must be realistic, taking into account the resources available. For example, doubling the number of YouTube channel subscribers in a year can be an achievable goal if supported by a solid editorial plan and resources dedicated to social media management. 


Each objective should align with the broader objectives of the business and marketing strategy. If the focus is on increasing brand awareness, a relevant objective might be “create and promote a campaign on Instagram”.  

Temporally defined

Setting a specific deadline for each goal makes planning easier. For example, “launch a new webinar series on Facebook Live within the next quarter” establishes a clear timeframe that helps organize resources and plan the editorial calendar. 

Choice of the appropriate social network

Selecting the most suitable social platform is a crucial piece in social media marketing strategies. The decision must be guided by a number of key factors, including brand positioning, tone of voice, target audience, company values, the type of message you intend to communicate and, of course, your predefined SMART goals. 

For example, if the brand is aimed at a young and dynamic audience, with a strong visual and creative focus, Instagram could be the ideal choice. On the contrary, if the objective is to position yourself as a leader in a B2B sector, LinkedIn could offer the most appropriate context, even if a concrete answer can only be had after carrying out an adequate analysis which, thanks to the data, confirms or disproves the initial hypothesis. 

Macro-topic choice

Macro-topics represent the cornerstones of the content strategy on social media, acting as thematic guides. The accurate definition of macro-topics is essential to create coherent, interesting and, above all, effective content in engaging your target audience.

Knowledge of the audience

The starting point for identifying macro-topics is a deep understanding of the audience. It is essential to know not only the demographic data, but also the interests, needs, habits and preferences of the target. To do this it is possible to use various platforms, even for free, which allow you to carry out in-depth research on user interests. 

Alignment with goals

Each macro – topic chosen must be directly linked to the SMART objectives that have been defined. If the goal is to increase brand awareness, macro-topics could include customer success stories or product innovations, always maintaining a balance between self-referential and non-self-referential content, so as not to be overly focused on your brand. 

Competitor analysis

Observing and analyzing the contents published by competitors can offer valuable insights for defining macro-topics. This means understanding what topics resonate with audiences in the industry and how to differentiate yourself by offering unique perspectives. For example, for a good analysis of competitors we could analyze the reviews, so as to understand what the favorable aspects and weak points of the competition are and use them to our advantage. 

Use of keywords and hashtags

Keywords and hashtags play a crucial role in content visibility. Identifying the most relevant and sought-after ones by your target audience allows you to build content around themes that not only interest users, but are also optimized for discovery through social media search engines. 

Editorial plan (PED) and editorial calendar (CED)

Content planning is a fundamental aspect of social media strategies, which is achieved through the development of an editorial plan and the management of an editorial calendar. Although these two tools are closely related, they serve different and complementary purposes. 

Editorial plan (PED)

The editorial plan is the strategic document that defines what will be communicated. It serves to establish general content guidelines, the macro-topics to be covered, the brand’s tone of voice and how these elements align with business objectives. Creating an editorial plan begins with clearly defining objectives and understanding your target audience. Next, we identify the macro-topics that resonate with this audience and outline the types of content (blogs, videos, infographics, social media posts, etc.) that best convey the brand’s message. The editorial plan acts as a compass, ensuring consistency and relevance in messages. 

Editorial calendar (CED)

The editorial calendar, on the other hand, details when and how content will be published. It is an operational tool that organizes the programming of content over time, specifying the day and date of publication, the type of content, the hashtags to use, the associated creativity (images, videos, graphics), the copy, any in-depth links and notes additional. The editorial calendar is essential for maintaining a constant and organized presence on social media, allowing you to plan publications in advance. 


The key to success lies in the ability to adapt and react dynamically to the evolution of the digital landscape, always keeping your brand identity and the needs of your audience at the center. In this context, performance measurement and analysis become fundamental to refine the strategy and ensure that every action taken contributes to the achievement of objectives. 

In conclusion, a well-thought-out social media strategy not only improves the visibility and positioning of a brand, but creates an authentic and lasting connection with the public.